Our Stories

The client stories presented on this page are based on real experiences. However, to protect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients, all names used in these stories are fictitious, and all pictures are stock photos.

A man in a coat is walking through a park.


Recently, a middle-aged man visited Harvest House after being released from prison. Re-entering society, Jeremy struggled to hold a job, pay bills, and understand our Internet-centered culture. He received food and financial aid, and our client aid specialists began teaching him how to budget and plan ahead.

But they also encouraged him to take care of his emotional needs so he would be equipped to handle stress. Each month he kept in contact with our client aid team, reporting his successes and failures and asking for advice. After three months, Jeremy was on a path toward financial and emotional stability, and he no longer needed assistance.


Clients can apply for financial aid once every twelve months. Our client intake specialist recently received this message from a grateful client named Alonzo:


“The receptionist informed me I would receive a call when the check was ready for me to pick up. I just wanted to say thank you so much!! I appreciate your efforts and time. This will be life-saving. Now I can continue to prepare for my new employment position, get my finances back on track, and not be evicted!! Yay!


May God Bless You and All of Harvest House for all that you do!”


A single dad with three children came to Harvest House through a referral from Child Protective Services. When his ex-wife had became involved with drugs, CPS had removed the children from the home. RayShawn not only took his biological child but also his ex-wife’s children to prevent them from being separated and put into foster care. However, soon after taking responsibility for the children, RayShawn lost his job.

Father and sons on couch

The young man came to his financial aid appointment with his case worker, who was his biggest advocate. RayShawn was facing eviction, his utilities were at risk of being disconnected, and he was without daycare for the children. Harvest House was able to cover his rent and utilities for one month which prevented him from becoming homeless. He was then able to receive day care assistance and freedom to look for a new job. Both his CPS case worker and the Harvest House intake specialist agreed that RayShawn’s character was exceptional. This client tearfully picked-up his check and expressed his gratitude for what this support meant to him and the children.


During a tough time, Mary visited Harvest House and requested financial aid. She wrote this about her experience:


“I will never be able to thank you enough for helping my family. What you provided us with is far more than a monetary donation to a family in need. During the months of December and February, you provided us with a sense of normalcy and security which is something we have been greatly lacking. Since moving into our apartment, we have hosted two birthdays and hosted family dinners with my adult children. You gave us all a safe space. The key element for growth is strong roots and because of you, we have that.”

Full shot contemplative man at the seaside


When Luke aged-out of the foster system, he had very few opportunities. With nowhere to turn, he soon became homeless, sleeping in a tent in a wooded area in Burleson. He came to Harvest House through a workforce program and applied for assistance as a homeless client. After receiving food and clothing, he chose to stay and help, and soon he was volunteering regularly in our Pantry and Resale Store. Several months later, he was hired as a part-time employee.

Along his journey, Luke gained self-confidence and courage. He learned to advocate for his needs, and he developed a brave resilience to fight for something better. Not only did he secure employment, but he also rented his own apartment. And after working at Harvest House only a few months, he secured a position with a national company closer to his home.

Luke’s success is due to the collective efforts of donors, volunteers, staff, community partners, workforce, and area churches. When asked what this meant to him, Luke stated, “I feel like Harvest House is a safe place.”


Heather is the primary caregiver to her aging mother who requires daily medical treatments. They have both received food from our pantry. However, Heather recently lost her job because she took time-off to care for her mother. This family still needs assistance.


Not only do people like Heather need food, clothing, and financial aid, but


They also need hope and encouragement.

They need nourishment and sustainability.

They need compassion and emotional healing.


Just before Christmas break, Tanisha visited our offices for the first time. She met with one of our client intake specialists, explaining that her husband was terminally ill with cancer and had just been put on hospice. She returned after our two-week Christmas break, during which time her husband had passed. Harvest House was able to give her a check to cover her rent. Tanisha was grateful and conveyed that it was a load lifted from her shoulders at a time when she had additional expenses piling up. She was able to avoid losing her home, and she only needed assistance that one time.

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